simple things matter

a nonprofit that collects diapers and distributes them to homeless shelters, food pantries, family service agencies and faith-based organizations.Read more at

"There is nothing abstract about poverty. It's an in-your-face reality that never, ever lets up. It touches people a thousand different ways every day. That gives us a thousand opportunities to help, to ameliorate the effects of poverty on families. Am I saying that we don't need larger reforms to reverse the trend of growing income inequality in this country? Of course not. What I'm saying is that right this minute there are many ways that we can make a big difference in people's lives with fairly simple, straight forward assistance: a diaper, a bookmobile, or free cleaning products. These are excellent opportunities for targeted community-based action."

That quote is from Joanne Goldblum, Executive Director of the National Diaper Bank Network. Its also describes our work at the Rocky Mountain Diaper Depot - make a difference with something simple.

If your feel strongly about the diaper needs in our community, join us and start recruiting others. Diapers are where we've decided to concentrate our work, and we are always on the lookout for smart, caring people who'd like to come along for the ride.

Bill Youmans

Executive Director

Rocky Mountain Diaper Depot

"Unfortunately in this poor economy, the need for diaper providers such as The Greater Philadelphia Diaper Bank is growing.  Diapering a child is expensive, and food assistance programs such as food stamps and WIC (Women, Infants and Children) do not cover diapers.  "Diaper makers estimate that it costs parents $1,500 a year to diaper a child with disposable diapers, and cloth diapers require access to laundry facilities, while most Laundromats do not allow patrons to use their machines to wash diapers.  "Most child care facilities require a days worth of disposable diapers, and when parents run out of diapers, they are forced to withdraw their children from child care.Read more at
"Unfortunately in this poor economy, the need for diaper providers such as The Greater Philadelphia Diaper Bank is growing.  Diapering a child is expensive, and food assistance programs such as food stamps and WIC (Women, Infants and Children) do not cover diapers.  "Diaper makers estimate that it costs parents $1,500 a year to diaper a child with disposable diapers, and cloth diapers require access to laundry facilities, while most Laundromats do not allow patrons to use their machines to wash diapers.  "Most child care facilities require a days worth of disposable diapers, and when parents run out of diapers, they are forced to withdraw their children from child care.Read more at

Get in Touch - let us know how you can help!

We collect and distribute diapers for families in need - and we want your help!